-40% σε όλα τα νέα Mini Pack, Starter Pack & VPS Hosting με το κουπόνι BACK2WORK.

30 years of innovation... and keep going!

Europlanet is not just a modern web applications company... It is the realised vision of 2 student friends, who from the first moment aimed -and still do- to offer cutting-edge products and services leveraging technology and providing effective solutions to every client’s need. With dedication and hard work by the founding members, Europlanet managed in a very short time to serve as a point of reference for its reliability, professionalism and technological training for all those who trust it in the fields of specialized software production, computer sales, computer networks’ installation and, in general, integrated technical support.

30 years later today, it has grown into a modern, accomplished company spanning the entire range of web applications and providing advanced Web/Data Hosting, Web Design and Domain Name Registration services, with the most advanced technological platforms and tools that make internet and its professional application easier than ever.

Through continuous research, education and investment in human resources, Europlanet succeeds in leading all technological developments, setting an example even for the competition. In every technological step you take Europlanet will stand by you and together we will always be one step ahead.

Domain & Services, Hosting & SSL, Website & Security, Telephony & SMS, Server, Pro

Διαχειρίσου τα όλα εύκολα και με ασφάλεια

easy to get it, easier to manage it

Ελληνικές και Διεθνείς Πιστοποιήσεις

Με παρουσία στον Internet από την γέννησή του, η Europlanet έχει καταξιωθεί και έχει αναγνωριστεί όχι μόνο σε Εθνικό επιίπεδο ως ο 1ος καταχωρητής αλλά και σε Ευρωπϊκό & Παγκόσμιο επίπεδο. Η σταθερότητα, η αξιοπιστία και η ασφάλεια που παρέχει στους πελάτες και συνεργάτες της είναι αξίες αδιαπραγμάτευτες.

  • Η Europlanet είναι η μόνη αμιγώς Ελληνική εταιρεία που κατέχει την μέγιστη διαπίστευση της ICANN. ID No:4037. Η διαπίστευση ICANN είναι το επαληθευμένο σήμα ή αλλιώς ταυτότητα εμπιστοσύνης που χορηγείται από την Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) στον κλάδο των Ονομάτων χώρου Internet (Domain Names). Οι καταχωρητές που είναι διαπιστευμένοι από το ICANN θεωρούνται αυθεντικοί, ασφαλείς και αξιόπιστοι στον κλάδο.

  • Με την συγκεκριμένη διαπίστευση από το επίσημο Μητρώο EURid εγγυόμαστε για τις ορθές πρακτικές όσον αφορά την παροχή πληροφοριών και την τιμολόγηση των υπηρεσιών, την ακρίβεια των δεδομένων, την υλικοτεχνική μας υποδομή, το άριστα καταρτισμένο προσωπικό μας καθώς και τη δημοσίευση των πληροφοριών σχετικά με τις χρεώσεις και τα επίπεδα εξυπηρέτησης. Με το σήμα αυτό, η ίδια η EURid διασφαλίζει στους χρήστες πως ο πάροχος πληρεί όλες τις προδιαγραφές για την μέγιστη ποιότητα στην υπηρεσία που θα λάβει.

  • Από το 2004 μέχρι και σήμερα η Europlanet παραμένει ο πρώτος καταχωρητής σύμφωνα με την επίσημη άδεια της Ε.Ε.Τ.Τ. (Εθνική Επιτροπή Τηλπικοινωνιών και Ταχυδρομείων) ανάμεσα σε περισσότερες από 400 εταιρίες και ατομικές επιχειρήσεις. Αριθμός άδειας: 3353/12-02-04

  • Easy.gr is already collaborated with the official English Registry and now you can buy domain names that their endings are .uk, .co.uk, .org.uk, .net.uk & .me.uk. Easy.gr holds the  "Accredited Registrar Nominet". You can now have the domain name that you wish at the best price in the market.

Business partners

Η χρήση επώνυμων ιδιόκτητων Server, οι συνεργασίες μας με τα πιο αξιόπιστα DataCenter σε Ελλάδα, Ευρώπη, Αμερική, Καναδά και η συνεχής εκπαίδευση του μόνιμου προσωπικού είναι στρατηγικές επιλογές που οδηγούν σε μια σταθερή και ανοδική πορεία για περισσότερα από 18 χρόνια στην Ελληνική αγορά. Η ανταλλαγή τεχνογνωσίας, ο σεβασμός στις απαιτήσεις και η τήρηση των συμφωνιών είναι η φιλοσοφία που μας αντιπροσωπεύει σε κάθε μας συνεργασία.
Η αποκλειστική διάθεση προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών στην Ελλάδα μέσω της εταιρίας μας (π.χ. Parallels Platinum Partner, Plesk Reseller, GeoTrust Europe, Trust Guard κ.α.), η πιστοποίηση της Europlanet ως ο 1ος επίσημος καταχωρητής Domain Names από την Ε.Ε.Τ.Τ. το 2004 κλπ, είναι η έμπρακτη απόδειξη της εμπιστοσύνης που μας δείχνουν οι παγκόσμιοι συνεργάτες μας αλλά ταυτόχρονα και η αναγνώριση του έργου που παράγουμε από το 1992 μέχρι και σήμερα.

  • From 2006 until today, our company holds EURid΄s certification as an .EU Registrar. This accreditation has enabled us to integrate domains with .eu extensions within the safest and most renowned management system that we have developed and operate under the brand easy.gr

  • In order to be able to register domain names and serve its clients, Europlanet has been cooperating with the official Greek .GR Registry (Foundation for Research & Technology-Hellas) since 1996, back when the registration/renewal process of a domain name was a time-consuming paperwork process, owing to FORTH’s (Foundation for Research & Technology-Hellas) monopoly. Visit the Registry’s official site

  • Synapsecom Telecoms  S.A. is a modern and innovative company active in the telecommunications, data center and information technology sectors. The company, since its establishment in 2007, operates with enthusiasm to produce innovative ideas and with dedication to adjust and make development in its fast-paced industry.

  • Perhaps one of the biggest European data centers, located in Germany and having won dozens of awards, TUV and accreditations. Europlanet cooperates with it in order to cater for Data/Web Hosting needs.

  • The processing power of privately owned servers is supported, for the most part, by INTEL processors

  • Certified partners and importers of Supermicro Servers since 2003. We use the unique technology of these Servers to equip our own RACK to all Data Centers. The flexibility and experience we have gained in our private computer equipment of this construct (Supermicro) allows us to be able to provide the most reliable solutions for Data & Web Hosting Worldwide and implement the most complex and demanding technological infrastructure.

  • As official Microsoft partner with special accreditations at the Developer & Technical Support level, we continue to use its operating systems in addition to Linux open source solutions, in order to make the most of the virtualisation & hyper-threading capabilities of the new processors

  • Official affiliates of the global organization GeoTrust since 2008. The growing needs for security in our online transactions boosts the sales of SSL keys with special encryption. Europlanet, through GeoTrust Europe, is the first official Greek affiliate and up until today it sells the most powerful SSL keys, with the greatest reliability and full support, without you having to communicate with the US and get entangled into lengthy and difficult certification processes.

  • Personal data safeguarding is for us the important part of a cooperation. For this reason, since 2011 we have been collaborating with Trust Guard, one of the fastest growing global companies in the field of data assurance and reliability testing of websites and applications.

  • Since 2004, Europlanet holds the only Plesk's certification as an Official Platinum Partner in Greece. A certification granted only to big national and multinational internet providers with high demands for quality web & data hosting services. Our company is one out of 30 companies worldwide forming this powerful team, thus providing its clients with the maximum Platinum security, Platinum service, Platinum stability and Platinum guarantee for 100% satisfaction of all kinds of Data & Web Hosting demands. Read more about the certification at Parallels’ official site and search for our company in the official global guide.

  • The only SEO Analysis body with the exclusive data analysis of google.gr. Get a view of your competitors, check the amount they spent for their adv promo and grub the keywords they use. Get your position and let them run behind you.

  • Η i-metrix κορυφαίος πάροχος λύσεων και εργαλείων ασφαλείας και επιχειρησιακής συνέχειας. Μοναδικός Authorized Reseller & Gold Service Provider της Acronis στην Ελλάδα. Η πλατφόρμα Acronis Cyber ​​Protect Cloud συνδυάζει τη διαχείριση αντιγράφων ασφαλείας με επόμενης γενιάς anti-malware βασισμένο σε τεχνητή νοημοσύνη. Μειώνοντας την πολυπλοκότητα αυξάνοντας παράλληλα την παραγωγικότητα και μειώνοντας το λειτουργικό κόστος.

  • The world famous recognized body with the ultimate antispam tool for personal and professional mailboxes without "garbage" and without malicious scripts.

  • ISPsystem is a software development company specializing in web technologies and business automation. ISPsystem was founded in February 2004. Since the launch of ISPsystem it has striven to reshape the hosting market based around the principles of:
    • quality and reliability at affordable prices
    • high-level of automation
    • round-the-clock multi-language technical support
    • powerful products
    • active and precise marketing strategy.

  • OVH has 27 datacentres across the globe, two of which are among the largest in the world. Since 2003, OVH has never stopped innovating the way they design, deploy and maintain their own server hosting infrastructures. OVH has succeeded in deploying a global datacentre network, fully managed. Today, OVH has unique know-how for offering high availability, security, and energy efficiency.
    To ensure high-speed connection, high-quality bandwidth and low latency, OVH choses to invest in deploying its own fibre optic network. Managed with DWDM equipment which is being migrated onto 100G coherent technology, the OVH network offers a total capacity of 12 Tbps worldwide.

  • Sonetel is a company which created a global worldwide VoIp telephony system based on the highest market standards. With its infrastructure and its cooperation with all global telephony networks (fixed and mobile) it can offer the easiest and most inexpensive phone services for entrepreneurs doing business around the globe as well as for people who want to communicate with the whole world. Europlanet is the exclusive distributor for Greece, Cyprus and the Balkans.

  • Europlanet was the first company to provide Web Hosting services in Greece in 2004, following its cooperation with the biggest and strongest Greek ISP provider, the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (OTE). As OTE’s Official Technology Partner, our company possesses a unique experience in network circuits, IP function, movement of DATA and, in general, in everything concerning Internet services, so that we can provide you with the maximum operating speed at the maximum service quality through the Dedicated lines and proprietary Racks, located in OTE’s data center.

  • The new era in teamwork and remote access is here. Europlanet in collaboration with Rushfiles now provides the most successful File Sharing platform in Greece. Rushfiles, since 2012, with a vision of the digital operation of each company and each organization, has created this unique platform to have access to an "electronic office" to all who wish the administrator, without limits, without borders and without headquarters . Store your files and documents securely and gain controlled access from anywhere.

Become our partner.

Do you have an internet service and want to incorporate it into our control panel? Have you already made your own API or do you want us to make it?Come and join the largest and fastest-growing unified internet service management system!

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