
Create the website of your dreams... in 5 easy steps!

  • No graphic design or HTML knowledge necessary

  • Hundreds of functional templates

  • Free web hosting

  • Technical support 24/7 – We are here for you

Θέλω να μάθω τι είναι το Sitebuilder
Θέλω να δω τα προσχέδια του Sitebuilder
Θέλω να αγοράσω ένα πακέτο!
I want you to refine my template!
Θέλω να μου φτιάξετε το site μου από την αρχή!

What is Sitebuilder?

There are more than 40 million websites out there right now. Are you ready to launch your own in merely 10 minutes and for free? Creating a website is easy. You do not need to be tech-savvy, nor know anything about HTML5, CSS3 or Java. Plesk’s Sitebuilder is a unique user-friendly tool that works through your browser. It gives you the opportunity to even create your own e-shop, quickly and effortlessly, and without the need to spend too many hours trying to familiarise yourself with it.
Ψάχνεις για μία απλή, οικονομικά συμφέρουσα και παράλληλα λειτουργική λύση; 5 clicks του mouse σου αρκούν και το Sitebuilder σε καθοδηγεί για να επιλέξεις το εικαστικό, τα χρώματα, τις εικόνες, και τη δομή όλου του site. Τώρα μπορείς κι εσύ!
Sitebuilder has incorporated all complex functions necessary for the construction of a website, all within the simplest interface, which can be used even by an inexperienced or beginner PC user. All functions are performed online and you get to see the results right away, without having to wait for special processes. Follow the real imaging interface (WYSIWYG) through your browser and you will watch your website taking shape in real time.
When you finish creating your website, you can preview it and then -with a click of a button- you will be able to publish it in the space of the Webhosting package we will create for you. The only thing for you to do is to find the template you like. Select your favorite features and organise it the way you want. Through our user-friendly panel, your website will not only be fully functional, but it will also be stunning.

Create your website in five steps

  • Select the site you want, based on your industry and work!

  • Select a design!

  • Upload your content and decide on the layout of your pages!

  • Customise it easily. Shape it according to your needs!

  • And go live! Your business has just expanded!

I want to see the templates of Sitebuilder!

Start creating your website, with simple mouse clicks. Within a few minutes you will have your pages built thanks to the user-friendly dashboard of Plesk. Depending on your industry and work, you can choose one of the 365 ready-made professional templates available at and you can customise it based on your aesthetics and business needs.

Dozens of templates from e-shops, fora, blogs, picture albums, hotel stores, personal portfolios, etc. give your website a sophisticated professional dimension. As if you were a professional web designer or developer, you will be able to customise it based on your needs and use it immediately. Change whatever you do not like or whatever does not match your style and add your own layout, navigation and touch for a truly spectacular online presence. Edit your texts, pictures and add any widget you want. Do you want to see more? Check out all available templates now!

I want to buy a Sitebuilder package!

Είσαι αρχάριος, επαγγελματίας ιδιώτης ή επιχειρηματίας; Βρες το καλύτερο πακέτο για σένα και το project σου χωρίς να χάνεις λεπτό. Ξεκίνα δωρεάν ή προσέθεσε features και εφαρμογές για πιο εξειδικευμένες λύσεις στις καλύτερες τιμές του ανταγωνισμού. Δεν χρειάζεται να ανησυχείς πλέον για τον χώρο που θα καταλάβει το site σου ή την κίνηση που θα παράξει.
Απεριόριστος χώρος! Ο χώρος που καταλαμβάνει το site σου μεγαλώνει αυτόματα κάθε φορά που χρειάζεται να προσθέσεις το υλικό που σου αρέσει μέσα από το διαχειριστικό σύστημα του Sitebuilder.
Απεριόριστη κίνηση τον μήνα! Οι servers που χρησιμοποιεί η Europlanet, καθώς και τα διεθνή τηλεπικοινωνιακά κυκλώματα, επιτρέπουν την απεριόριστη κίνηση δεδομένων του site σου αυξάνοντας αυτόματα τη ροή των πληροφοριών σύμφωνα με τις εκάστοτε ανάγκες του site σου.
Νιώθεις έτοιμος; Αγόρασε το πακέτο σου τώρα!







Email accounts




Photo gallery

RSS Reader




Script editor


3 months €11,98
6 months €23,96
1 year €47,92
2 years €91,04







Email accounts




Photo gallery

RSS Reader




Script editor


3 months €20,59
6 months €41,18
1 year €82,37
2 years €156,50

I want you to refine my template!


You made it brilliantly so far! You found the design you like, chose your favorite colours, tools and the website’s layout and uploaded your contents. However, you do not have the time to refine it. You realise that there is something missing. Do you need to make some improvements that will give it a more professional look and feel? Do you need one of our experienced developers to make it perfect and just the way you want it? You can hire us with just only 400€ to make your dream come true.
Purchase our specialised package now!


Why should you finalise my template?

Because you found the template and added the content you wanted, but do not have the time or the experience to go any further. Our team is here to finish up your work.

How long will this take?

Approximately one week.

What is included in the price?

Give us your logo, as well as your texts and graphics. The purchase of pictures and fonts, as well as the creative design and branding (e.g. logo, corporate identity, promotion) is not included in the package price. Our team can provide consulting services free of charge, restructure the texts or reformat some colours and words, but the content is up to you!

How does this work?

After buying the package and choosing the desired template, send us the contents of each page or upload it on the pages you will create through Sitebuilder. The four following stages are: Kick-off meeting with our web & marketing team -> graphic design proposal -> Coding/CSS project perfection -> Go-Live testing

Can I intervene or change something?

During our graphic design proposal, you may step in and give us your feedback. All your remarks or doubts will be taken under consideration and incorporated before the next stage of the project. Within 15 days after the completion of your project you will have the possibility to request minor adjustments at no cost. After 15 days and depending on the changes you want, our team may suggest an offer for your site’s improvement at an affordable price. If you are happy, you can send us your testimonial, or allow us to upload your project on Facebook or on our site!

Buy it now

I want you to create my website from scratch!

Each website serves specific purposes, is different and covers your individual needs and demands. Whether you are an individual or a SME entrepreneur, our web and marketing team can create the website of your dreams! Our mission is to produce beautiful and dynamic results that will satisfy our customers and most of all serve their needs. We want to help you and create your website from scratch, making it functional, easy to use, aesthetically pleasing and accessible by all users and search engines of the worldwide web. Each page will be uniquely well-designed, in accordance with the corporate profile or your personal aspirations, to ensure a successful, integrated online presentation.
Μοιράσου το μαζί μας!
Επικοινώνησε μαζί μας με όποιον τρόπο θες. Μοιράσου το όραμα για το νέο σου site με την ομάδα μας και διαμόρφωσε ένα ιδαίτερο ύφος.
Ερεύνησέ το από πριν!
Καθόρισε τους στόχους σου με το site. Είναι ενημερωτικό; Παρέχει υπηρεσίες; Θα εμπορεύεται προιόντα ηλεκτρονικά; Είναι απλώς το portfolio σου; Ποιοι είναι οι ανταγωνιστές σου; Ποιες ευκαιρίες και απειλές ανιχνεύεις στο online περιβάλλον; Τι προσδοκάς;
Ζήσε τα πράγματα από μέσα!
Παρατήρησε το project σου να παίρνει μορφή και παρουσία online μέρα μέρα. Μοιράσου τις παρατηρήσεις σου, χτίσε το περιεχόμενο και επικοινώνησε με την ομάδα μας κάθε στιγμή γιατί ο χρόνος είναι χρήμα!
Μίλησε με την ομάδα μας!
Πέρασε μία βόλτα από τα γραφεία μας για να καταλήξουμε στο πλάνο δράσης. Budget, χρονοδιάγραμμα και απαιτήσεις από την κάθε πλευρά έφτασε η ώρα να μπουν στο τραπέζι ή…να σχεδιαστούν στον μαυροπίνακά μας!
Κέρδισε τις εντυπώσεις κι απόλαυσε αποτελέσματα!
Το site σου είναι πάνω, δημοσιεύτηκε και ο κόσμος θα μιλάει γι αυτό! Αλλά το πιο σημαντικό! Τώρα που όλοι μιλάνε γι' αυτό, ήρθε η ώρα να βγάλεις λεφτά, να κλείσεις συμφωνίες και να επεκτείνεις την πελατειακή βάση σου.
Θέλεις να δεις το success story από το; Μπες εδώ ή επικοινώνησε με την ομάδα μας για να ξεκινήσουμε το δικό σου project τώρα!
Do you want different or more specialised solutions?
επικοινώνησε μαζί μας
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What would you like?